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Configure Header Settings

Header Panel

Navigate to Dashboard → RealHomes → Customize Settings and look into Site Identity and Header section to explore further settings.

Configure Header Settings

Site Identity

You can upload your site's logo, retina logo, title, description tag and site icon from this section.

Site Identity

Create Custom Header

You can create your own Custom Header using Elementor (free version) with RealHomes. You can consult this section of the documentation to learn how.

Header Settings

You can customize almost all the components of the header from this very section in header panel.

Configure Header Settings

Basics (Header Template & Sticky Header)

You can change Header Settings in Dashboard → RealHomes → Customize Settings → Header → Basics.

Header Variation

Contact Information

You can add/modify the Contact Information for the header in Dashboard → RealHomes → Customize Settings → Header → Contact Information.

Search Form

Header Styles

To change header styles for Classic Design please navigate to Dashboard → RealHomes → Customize Settings → Styles.

Make sure that you have selected My Own Custom Colors in Dashboard → RealHomes → Customize Settings → Styles → Default or Custom so the style changes can work properly.

Header Variation

Responsive Header Styles

If you would like to modify the header styles for small screens then you can go to Dashboard → RealHomes → Customize Settings → Styles → Header and scroll down to find Responsive Header styles.

Header Variation

Sticky Header Styles

You can modify sticky header styles by navigating to Dashboard → RealHomes → Customize Settings → Styles → Header and scroll down to find Sticky Header styles.

Header Variation