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Add Property

To add a new property, go to Dashboard → Easy Real Estate → New Property

Add Property Title and Property Description

Property Title & Description

Add Basic Information

Add basic information about the property e.g. price, area, beds, baths, garages, etc.

Property Basic Information

Add Additional Information

You can add any additional information as key-value pairs in additional information.

Property Additional Information

Add Vacation Rentals Information

If you are using the RealHomes Vacation Rentals plugin and have configured it, you can see the Vacation Rentals tab at the top. There you can add pricing and other property rental information. For more information, check out the detailed guide to adding a property with vacation rental information here.

Property Basic Information

iCalendar Synchronization

To stay up to date and avoid double bookings when you have listed your properties on third-party websites, you can synchronize the booking calendar with third-party calendar services.

Step 1. Add iCalendar Feed Page

Before syncing the properties' calendar dates, you need to create an iCalendar feed page using the iCalendar Feed template, as displayed in the following screenshot.

Property Basic Information

Step 2. Syncing your booking calendar to third-party calendars

Once you have created the iCalendar feed page, you can see the booking calendar feed export URL at the very bottom of the Vacation Rentals property meta-box tab (screenshot below). Copy the Feed URL and add it to the third-party iCalendar import field as per their settings.

iCalendar import & export

Step 3. Syncing your booking calendar from third-party calendars

To sync third-party booking calendars with your booking calendar, copy the iCalendar feed URL from their website. After that, you can add that feed URL to iCalendar Import section (screenshot below). Set a name for reference in the Feed Name field and feed URL to the Feed URL field. You can add multiple feed URLs to sync from.

iCalendar import & export

If you want to add this property into featured properties, then mark this property as Featured.

Mark Property as Featured

Provide Location on Google Map

Provide property address and drag the Google map pointer to the correct location.

Property Map

Provide some nice images for the property gallery.

Ultra Property Gallery - Ultra

Note: Images should have minimum size of 1240px by 720px. Bigger size images will be cropped automatically. Minimum 2 images are required to display the gallery.

Modern Property Gallery - Modern

Note: Images should have minimum size of 1240px by 720px. Bigger size images will be cropped automatically. Minimum 2 images are required to display the gallery.

Classic Property Gallery - Classic

Note: Images should have minimum size of 1170px by 648px for thumbnails on right and 830px by 460px for thumbnails on bottom. Bigger size images will be cropped automatically. Minimum 2 images are required to display gallery.

Add Floor Plans

Provide floor plan details, the Floor Plan Image and the Floor Name are the two important details you must add, otherwise, the floor section will not show on property details page.

Property Floor Plans

You must set a featured image to the property. This featured image will be displayed in property cards on listing pages throughout the website.

Featured Image

Classic: The featured image in Classic Design should have Minimum Width of 770 pixels and Minimum Height of 386 pixels.

Modern: The featured image in Modern Design should have Minimum Width of 680 pixels and Minimum Height of 510 pixels.

Property Featured Image

Add Video Tour and Virtual Tour

Suppose your property has a virtual tour video. In that case, it is recommended that you upload the video on Vimeo or YouTube and provide its URL here with a related screenshot or property photo.

Property Photo is very important because if no property photo is assigned to the video, then it will not be shown. You can add multiple virtual tour videos by clicking the + Add more button.

You can also add 360 Virtual Tour of your property using iframe tag. For example, the following code will add a 360 virtual tour from to your property.

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" allowvr="" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

You can also use the iPanorama 360 WordPress Virtual Tour Builder plugin to build custom virtual tours, and then put current property related iPanorama short-code in the 360 Virtual Tour box.

Property Video

Assign Agent Information

Choose the information you want to display in the Agent's Information section.

Property Agent

Difference Between Author Profile Information and Agent's Information

From the visitor's point of view, there is no difference, and information for an agent and author will be displayed similarly.

From the website admin point of view, an author is a site's user/member who logs in to the website and adds a property using the admin side ( If his role is the author or above ) OR adds a property from the front end property submission page ( if his role is a subscriber ). An agent is a custom post type. Any user with a role equal to or above the author role can add those agents into the database and assign properties to those agents later. So, it is a flexible feature that can be used to suit your needs.

  1. None will hide the agent's information box.
  2. Author profile information will display the Author( user who added the property ) information. You can configure your user information from edit profile page ( Please check the related documentation section for details of setting up front end profile edit page ). If you have adequate rights, You can also modify the author from Author meta box on property edit page. Property Author
  3. Display agent's information will display the selected agent's information. You can add the agent from Dashboard → Agents → Add New.

Energy Performance

You can add a property Energy Performance Certificate details in this section. This information will display with a visual energy class graphic representation. Property Author

Schedule a Tour

You can easily showcase the Schedule A Tour section on the property details page by activating this feature.

Schedule a Tour - Property Details Page

Misc Settings

Mark Property as Sticky

If you want to make this property stick to top on home page and listing pages, then mark this property as Sticky.

Property Floor Plans

Property Label Text & Background Color

You can apply a custom banner or label to each property card for the listing pages and other sections using Property Label Text & Background Color.

Property Label Text & Background Color


Using the Attachments feature, you can upload important property attachments, documents etc to each property.

Property Label Text & Background Color

Owner Information & Private Note

Property owner information and private note can only be used for internal information purposes only. It is not displayed anywhere throughout the website.

Property Label Text & Background Color

Message to the Reviewer

This area contains a message from the property submitter for the property reviewer or website administrator. It is not displayed anywhere for the public.

Property Label Text & Background Color

Add Property in Homepage Slider

If you want to add this property to the homepage slider, check the related option and provide a slide image.

Property Floor Plans

Add Top Banner


You can override the default banner set in Customizer settings by adding a new banner for a specific property in the below settings.

Property Home Slider


Along with banner settings you can also hide the advanced search form in the header on single property page.

Property Home Slider

More information about Banner Settings can be found here:

You can also apply a unique custom header and footer to any property by selecting it from Custom Header or Custom Footer settings.

Custom Header & Footer

Custom Header & Footer

You can create your own Custom Header or Footer using Elementor (free version) with RealHomes. You can consult this section of the documentation to learn how.

Add/Select Property Features

You can choose or add Property Features from related meta-box displayed in the following screenshot.

Property Features

You can also add an icon to each property feature. This icon will appear on the property details page, before property feature. To add an icon to a feature, follow these steps:

  • Go to Dashboard → RealHomes → Property Features

  • Create a new property feature or select an existing one.

Property Add New Features

  • Upload your icon using Property Feature Icon option.

  • This icon will now display on property details page in place of default theme icons.


Recommended image size for icon is 64px by 64px.

Add/Assign Property Types

You can choose or add Property Types from related meta box as displayed in screenshot below.

Property Type

Add/Assign Property Locations

You can choose or add Property Locations from related meta-box as displayed below.

Property City

Add/Assign Property Statuses

You can choose or add Property Statuses from related meta-box displayed in screenshot below.

Property Status

Assign Parent Property

Suppose this property is a sub/child property of another property. In that case, you can select the Parent Property from the related meta box, as shown below.

Property Attributes

Property Page Layout

If you want to make the single property page full width, then you can change the Page Template from Templates to Property Full Width. For Classic Editor, select the same template from Page Attributes.

Property Attributes

RealHomes Misc Settings

There are miscelanious settings available for the single property page, which you can use to change the custom header, footer, sidebar or other single property attributes.

Property Misc Settings

Publish the property once it is ready.