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Vacation Rentals Settings

You can make any changes for Vacation Rentals settings in Dashboard → Vacation Rentals → Settings. This section helps you to manage the following features in this section.

  • Enable/Disable Vacation Rentals
  • Maximum Guests
  • Booking Type (Full Day or Split Booking)

Vacation Rentals Booking

Contact & Notifications

In this section, You can manage the following features in this section.

  • Add/Update Booking Phone Number
  • Contact Page (optional)
  • Booking Email
  • Enable/Disable Booking Request Notification

Important Information

If you have enabled Booking Request Notification for Owner feature, then ensure that all the owners in the system must have a valid email added for them.

Vacation Rentals Booking

Terms and Conditions

You can manage the Terms and Conditions settings here.

Vacation Rentals Booking


You can manage the Labels for various sections.

Vacation Rentals Booking

Date Format

You can manage the Date Format for Vacation Rentals.

Vacation Rentals Booking

Booking Payments

You can Enable or Disable the Booking Payments.

Vacation Rentals Booking