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Create and Configure News Page

Create News Page

In case you have Imported Demo Contents the news page is already created and you do not need to follow this section.

To set up the News page you need to create a new page, Go to Dashboard → Pages → Add New. You can give this page a title as "News", you do not need to add any contents for now.

No template selection is necessary, as it requires Default Template as displayed below.

Create News Page

Click “Publish” to publish the page.

Configure Reading Settings

I am assuming that you have already created a Home page.

To configure reading settings you need to visit Dashboard → Settings → Reading and choose that front page displays as static page. Then select Home as FrontPage and News as Posts Page (shown below)

Configure Reading Settings

RealHomes Misc Settings


RealHomes Misc Settings - Classic


RealHomes Misc Settings - Modern


RealHomes Misc Settings - Ultra

More information about Banner Settings can be found here: